
Service Command

Check logs

sudo journalctl -u wardend -f


sudo systemctl status wardend -f

Node info

wardend status 2>&1 | jq -f

Start service

sudo systemctl start wardend

Reload services

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop wardend

Enable Service

sudo systemctl enable wardend

Restart service

sudo systemctl restart  wardend

Disable Service

sudo systemctl disable wardend

Your node peer

echo $(wardend tendermint show-node-id)'@'$(wget -qO- eth0.me)':'$(cat $HOME/.warden/config/config.toml | sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')

Key Management

Add New Wallet

wardend keys add $WALLET

Restore wallet

wardend keys add $WALLET --recover

List All Wallets

wardend keys list

Delete wallet

wardend keys delete $WALLET

Check Balance

wardend q bank balances $WALLET_ADDRESS

Export Key (save to wallet.backup)

wardend keys export $WALLET

View EVM Prived Key

wardend keys unsafe-export-eth-key $WALLET

Import Key (restore from wallet.backup)

wardend keys import $WALLET wallet.backup

Token Management

Fill Form To Update Code

Withdraw rewards and commission from your validator

Check your balance

Delegate to Yourself


Edit Validator

Unbond Your Stake

Transfer Funds to Another Wallet

Validator Management

Create New Validator

wardend tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000wardend \
--from $WALLET \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--commission-max-rate 0.2 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
--min-self-delegation 1 \
--pubkey $($wardend tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker "$MONIKER" \
--identity "$MyIdentity" \
--details " Let's aim for a bright future 🔮" \
--chain-id chiado_10010-1 \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 600wardend \

Edit Validator

wardend tx staking create-validator \
--wardend tx staking edit-validator \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--new-moniker "$MONIKER" \
--identity "" \
--details " Let's aim for a bright future 🔮" \
--from $WALLET \
--chain-id chiado_10010-1 \
--gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 600wardend \

Validator info

wardend status 2>&1 | jq

Validator Details

wardend q staking validator $(wardend keys show $WALLET --bech val -a)

Jailing info

wardend q slashing signing-info $(wardend tendermint show-validator)

Slashing parameters

wardend q slashing params

Unjail validator

wardend tx slashing unjail --from $WALLET --chain-id chiado_10010-1 --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 600wardend -y

Active Validators List

wardend q staking validators -oj --limit=2000 | jq '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED")' | jq -r '(.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 6)|floor|tostring) + " 	 " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl

Check Validator key

[[ $(wardend q staking validator $VALOPER_ADDRESS -oj | jq -r .consensus_pubkey.key) = $(wardend status | jq -r .ValidatorInfo.PubKey.value) ]] && echo -e "Your key status is ok" || echo -e "Your key status is error"

Signing info

wardend q slashing signing-info $(wardend tendermint show-validator)